We will be assembling our volunteer team in early March! If you would like to be invited to the volunteer sign up form please let us know! There will be a limited number of volunteer positions available and may fill up fast! Please fill out the form below and let us know any details that may be helpful with connecting you to the best possible volunteer shift. We will be sending out an email when positions become available!
Got questions and feedback?! Hit me up and I will get you answers! Please contact Mike:
Specifics: We really can't do this event without you. We couldn't even start this event without you. This year we hope to streamline the volunteer process to make sure volunteering is as much fun as the event itself.
Perks of volunteering:
1 shift (4 hours) of volunteering gets you: one General Admission Pass to Pedaler's Jamboree.
2 shifts of volunteering gets you: one GA pass and special volunteer swag.
16 hours of volunteering gets you: 2 free passes to PJ, one piece of Vol. swag
If you're up for volunteering more than 16 hours, please contact Mike: