Shuttles & SAG RIDES

Sag Rides on the route:

Registered riders can catch a sag ride to Boonville along the route on Saturday or back to Columbia on Sunday. Look for the white shuttle van parked near the action at the pick up zones. There will also be a sag bike on the course this year which will be able to transport 1 person and 1 bicycle. We will get you there! Just keep in mind that it will take us a while! If you are just riding slow and tired, keep pedaling! You might get there a lot faster than if you wait for the sag to fill up before doing a drop!

For emergency support call - TBA

Saturday, May 24:
Departing McBaine at 11:30 am
Departing Rocheport (City Park) at 1:45 pm
Departing Katy Roundhouse at 5 pm

Sunday, May 25:
Departing Rocheport (City Park) at 11:15 pm
Departing McBaine at 1:45 pm

Shuttle Buses in Boonville:
Free bus shuttle from the Kemper Park to the Boonville Hotels: There will be a free bus shuttle for registered particpants from Kemper Park to hotels starting at 4 pm on Saturday and ending at 11 pm. The bus will make a loop around town starting and finishing at the park. The next morning the bus will pick up patrons at the hotels starting at 7 am and ending at 9 am. Riders will need to pick up their gear at the park and transport it with them to the hotels. It will need to be dropped off at the designated pick up zone on Sunday morning by 10 am for transport back to Columbia.  The shuttle will stop at the following locations:

Isle of Capri Hotel
100 Isle of Capri Blvd. Boonville, MO (660) 882-1200

Hotel Frederick
501 High Street Boonville MO  (660) 882-2828

Holiday Inn Express
2419 Mid America Ind. Drive Boonville, MO  (660) 882-6882

Days Inn
2401 Pioneer St. (Exit 103 off I-70) Boonville, MO  (660) 882-8624

Super 8 Motel
420 Americana (Exit 103 off I-70) Boonville, MO  (660) 882-2900

Quality Inn & Suites
2427 Mid American Industrial Dr (Exit 101 off I-70) Boonville, MO  (660) 882-5317

Roses Lodging
1241 W Ashley Rd (660)672-5125

Homestead Lodging
610 W. Ashley Rd (660)672-6568

Shuttle Bus Ride back to the start in Columbia on Sunday morning:
Looking for a ride back to Columbia on Sunday morning?  For what ever the reason may be there is an option to catch a ride back from Boonville.  There will be a limited number of seats available for shuttle back to Columbia on Sunday morning. A limited number of seats will be available on Sunday morning for $15.  The Pedaler's Jamboree has built a bike hauling system for the back of a box truck that can haul up to 100 bikes per trip.  In addition to the full sized school bus for passengers we will be able to quickly move shuttle rides this year!   Estimated departure times are 7:30 am, 8:45 am and 10 am.

Looking for a logistical shuttle ride solution?

There is a private shuttle service available! Contact Katy Trail Tours & Shuttle!
- Saturday morning from Boonville to Columbia
- Saturday night from Boonville to Columbia
- Other special requests

Boonville to Columbia beginning at 6:30 am on Saturday May 24.  Cost will be $35 per person for people scheduling a shuttle in advance, $45 for booking day of shuttle.  Morning Shuttle pickup will be at the small park at the corner of Main and High Street across the street from Hotel Frederick, with delivery to Flat Branch Park in Columbia. Morning shuttles will be at the following times: 6:30 am, 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am

Afternoon shuttles will depart from Kemper Park in Boonville at Vine and 2nd Street with drop off at Flat Branch Park in Columbia.  Departure will be at the following times: 2 pm, 3:30 pm, 5 pm, 6:30 pm, 8 pm, 9:30 pm, 11 pm

Sunday morning May 25:  shuttles available upon request.

Call to schedule and for pricing: Katy Trail Tours & Shuttle- Greg Shannon - 417-372-9220 -

Bike Check Service at Kemper Park:
An overnight bike check service will be available at Kemper Park for $5 for those who wish to have their bike secured.
