Trail Goons UNITE & Ride on OCT. 12!
2 decades of shenanigans on the trail!
Yes, this creepy critter of a ride has been around for 20 years! We will be posting the dark history of the Monster Bike Bash and MidMO BRR on our Facebook event page leading up to ride time! Check it out and invite your worst influence friends!
The Monster Bike Bash RECAP
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Hot damn! Ya'll really brought the party to the trail this year!
We definitely had all the fun this year! Mad props to all the great costumes and super fun alter egos on the Monster Bike Bash! Thank you for joining the ride and making it a cult classic! I wish that everyday could be such a weird and wonderful fun time! Cheers to two decades of shenanigans on the trail!
There are still some shirts left over from the ride! If you are interested in one, just reply to this email and I will get your the rider discount and make sure that I get one your way! You have earned the trail goons badge of honor!
See ya'll on the trail again next summer for the Pedaler's Jamboree!
Click here for the Monster Bike Bash 2024 photo collection - Big shout out thanks to Chris Kendrick, Nathan Jesse and Notley Hawkins for the awesome photos.
Thanks for joining us on the Monster Bike Bash! Get ready for some crazy fun on Saturday! Just a few quick details to get you ready for the ride on Saturday!
WALK UP REGISTRATION = 8:45 am - 9:30 at Flat Branch Park! Procrastinators welcome! $35 registration for the party ride!
Check In/Packet Pick = 8:45 am - 9:30 am at Flat Branch Park - If you reserved a shirt you can pick it up at that time. If you don't want to carry your shirt or your sticker pack on the ride we can drop them off at Walt's Bike Shop and you can pick up post ride!
Starting/finishing location = 101 S 4th St, Columbia, MO 65201
Parking = There is plenty of free parking available near the start. Your best bets are the garages on Eighth & Walnut, Sixth and Cherry, or Tenth and Cherry.
Shuttle ride back from Rocheport = If you reserved a shuttle we will have your name on the list! If you need a shuttle and didn't reserve a spot we will get you set up with a ride after the reserved seats are filled up! The party at the Rest Stop will be going all night so get comfy and have some fun!
Monster Bike Bash Shirts = If you reserved a shirt you can pick it up at that time. We ordered some extra shirts so if you want one we can get you set up! If you don't want to carry your shirt or your sticker pack on the ride we can drop them off at Walt's Bike Shop and you can pick up post ride!
Posters = We will have plenty of free posters at the start of the ride! They will also be at Walts Bike Shop if you want to get them post ride!
Food & Drink = BYO (and some to share) for the trail! In Rocheport we will be hanging out at the Rest Stop and they will have the following: cheeseburgers, pulled pork sandwiches, Mac and cheese and vegan chili. They will have lots of beer and drinks available too.
Rough Schedule of events:
8:45 am = Check in begins
9 am - 9:30 am = Departure - Group departure recommended at 9:20
9:30 - 10:15 = Party at Triangle Cirlcle - 2.1 miles
10:30 - 11:30 = Did someone say bridge party? - 4.7 miles (6.8 total)
11am - 12 pm = Hindman Junction meet up - 2.3 miles (9.1 total)
12 -2 pm = Shenanigans on the trail
2 - 3 pm = Food/Music at The Rest Stop at the Katy Jailhouse (18 total)
3 pm = Costume Contest
After costume contest return at your own speed to whatever surprises await
The Dirty Details:
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Flat Branch Park - Columbia MO
MKT Trail to the Katy Trail and then creeping on out to Rocheport
Trail goons reunite for this ghoulish ride back from the grave! The Monster Bike Bash is a Halloween inspired bicycle party on the Katy Trail! Bring out your alter ego and be sure to dress for the occasion. Trail side stops with fiendish fun. Costume contests and dance parties. Prepare for freaky bicycle fun!
The bike ride traverses the most social and scenic sections of the Katy Trail state park! This is about as much fun as you can have on a bike! Costumes are strongly encouraged (you better bring one). Be goofy, have fun! Ride at your own risk...if you dare!
Bike Mileage: 18 miles on the MKT and Katy Trail to Rocheport. 36 miles total if you make it back alive…Consider a sag if you can’t muster the mileage. Shuttle options available for those who need it.
Starting/finishing location = 101 S 4th St, Columbia, MO 65201
Parking = There is plenty of free parking available near the start. Your best bets are the garages on Eighth & Walnut, Sixth and Cherry, or Tenth and Cherry.
Party in Rocheport: Live music, food, drink and costume contest await at The Rest Stop at the Katy Jailhouse
$35 RIDER PASS - Helps us cover the trail fees, insurance and all expenses behind the scene!
Registration also includes:
All Shenanigan Access Across The Trail
Monster Bike Bash - Sticker Pack (includes transfer stickers and set of 2024 characters)
Monster Bike Bash Patch & Poster & Spoke Card
Un-mentionable Trailside surprises
Young Monsters Ride for free (16 years and under) - Does not include give aways (well maybe some).
To keep registration cheap we decided to make these add-on items so you can take ‘em or leave ‘em!
Monster Bike Bash 2024 shirt = $10 - These bad ass shirts will cost us over $10 each to make but we don’t mind taking a hit on them if you add it to your registration. $15 for those who just want the ride but are to afraid to ride with the trail goons!
Shuttle ride back from Rocheport = RESERVATIONS FOR THE SHUTTLE ARE CLOSED! Shuttles will be available in Rocheport after the reserved seats have been filled - $10 bike and personal shuttle back to Flat Branch Park. Pre-reserved shuttle riders will get a shuttle ride back from Rocheport after the costume contest (around 3:30 pm) we will have all the reserved names on a list! If you still need a ride back from Rocheport after the party we will get you on the 2nd round back to Columbia that afternoon!
Rough Schedule of events:
8:45 am = Check in begins
9 am - 9:30 am = Departure — Group departure recommended at 9:20
9:30 - 10:15 = Party at Triangle Cirlcle - 2.1 miles
10:30 - 11:30 = Did someone say bridge party? - 4.7 miles (6.8 total)
11am - 12 pm = Hindman Junction meet up - 2.3 miles (9.1 total)
12 -2 pm = Shenanigans on the trail
2 - 3 pm = Food/Music at The Rest Stop at the Katy Jailhouse (18 total)
3 pm = Costume Contest
After costume contest return at your own speed to whatever surprises await
Monster Bike Bash Facebook Event Page
Got some weirdo friends who like to ride bikes and have a good time? Invite them to join! Follow ride updates and learn the history of the event! Click on “Interested” or “Going” to get the updates! Click here to visit the page.
Monster Bike Bash Shirts!
To keep registration cheap we decided to make the shirt a $10 add-on item so you can take ‘it or leave ‘it! If you register and change your mind on a shirt (decide later that you want one, just drop us a message and we will get you the rider price)! Shirts are available at the discounted price on the registration check out page. Shirt orders include a bonus 2nd set of stickers!
Non-rider shirts - $25 for those who just want the shirt but aren’t able to make the ride! CLICK HERE to order a shirt (without the ride). Shirt orders include a set of Monster Bike Bash stickers!
Shirt details: Gildan - Softstyle® CVC T-Shirt - 67000 - Click here for spec and sizing details
Discover a new gem of a joint on the Katy Trail! The Rest Stop at the Katy Jailhouse will be hosting the ride this year!
Drinks! Live Music! Costume Contest! Lunch options at The Rest Stop and the Katy Jailhouse!
The dead have risen to resurrect the most horrifically outrageous halloween party ride Missouri has ever seen! On October 12 the trail goons will ride again!
Those who wish to ride with the army of the dead are encouraged to meet up at Flat Branch Park in Columbia (please park in the city parking garages on Cherry St and Walnut Street as parking is free all weekend) and you won't get a repulsive parking ticket. Trail Goons are anticipated to ride the MKT to the Katy Trail (with some unexpected stops along the way). Rocheport will be welcoming everyone with the Halloween spirit with music, drinks, food and a costume contest!
Optional shuttle rides available for both you and your bike back from Rocheport ($10)! Limited space is available so you might want to reserve early!
Check out the fiendish updates on the Facebook page (coming soon)!
Chris Kendrick’s gallery
Facebook Event Page - Please share some!
Notley Hawkins gallery -